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First, an apology. A short while ago I declared that I was going to post every day between now and the election a selection of news stories from the same point in the 2016 election. I lasted about five days before I gave up. It turned out that it is not easy to collect news from a specific date. Google does not search on news story datelines so a search for "new May 15 2016' only finds stories with that text in the body of the story. This makes gathering stories from various dates very hit-and-miss. As a result there was not much consistency in the stories I found from day to day. In addition, just finding suitable stories was taking longer than I expected. So I am going to call that an unsuccessful experiment.
In new news, we have the bouncing brick. I have long wanted to be able to add sound effects to my pages but I had thought that I would have to get a midi keyboard and do a bunch of hacking. Recently, I heard about a javascript library "Tone.js" which looked like exactly what I needed. The brick is a proof of concept. Click on the brick and it bounces up and down and makes a sound at the top and botom of its travel. Hit "reload" to stop the brick. We hope this is the beginning of bigger and bolder adventures. dgdriscoll
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