Joaquin Miller
- he blue and the gray! Their work was well done!
- They lay as to listen to the water's flow.
- Some lay with their faces upturned to the sun,
- As seeking to know what the gods might know.
- Their work was well done, each soldier was true.
- But what is the question that comes to you?
- For all that men do, for all that men dare,
- That river still runs with its stateliest flow.
- The sun and the moon I scarcely think care
- A fig for the fallen, of friend or of foe.
- But the moss-mantled cypress, the old soldiers say,
- Still mantles in smoke of that battle day!
- These men in the dust! These pitiful dead!
- The gray and the blue, the blue and the gray,
- The headless trunk and the trunkless head;
- The image of God in the gory clay!
- And who was the bravest? Say, can you tell
- If Death throws dice with a loaded shell?